
My angry reaction

I do not particularly like reading local newspapers. But since I was using restroom (and let's face it, toilet is like one of the best places to read at ;)) and did not have any other alternatives, I decided to skim through "Komsomol'skaya pravda". This paper is published in Russia and has local Kazakh equivalent. Anyway, so my eyes accidentally found the article about famous matchmaker coming to town and contest on the best letter to be able to go through training of that matchmaker for free. (YAY!!! >:()

The matchmaker's name is Roza Syabitova - famous host of the most ridiculous show on Russian TV (after DOM-2) "Let's get married!". With a fucking exclamation point. So the main concept of this trashy talk/reality show is the following:

A woman (or man) who are unappy with their love life come to the show crying and sobbing and complaining that they can't find their other half. And they get to chose from 3 potential husbands/wives who came to offer them their love. What the fuck? I mean shoot are you that desparate you can't meet anyone in real life??? And even if you were disappointed with previous relationships and work all the time and don't see anyone outside the office, it it really necessary to come and tell everybody "I am a loser" on a national TV??? I mean, there are online services where you can meet people IN PRIVATE.

Well, my problem is not so much the fact they look for significant others on TV. What I am most pissed about is that they have to get married. Really? What does this show tell young people? That if you are 30-something and single, you are a loser because all people want and must get married and have kids and live happily ever after in this perfect little family. Well family can be created without a stamp in passport, it can be created between people of same gender.

Next item on agenda - letters of females who want to win the prize - go to a training session on how to get a good man, keep him and make him marry you by that lady Syabitova. UGH! I read those letters. I really shouldn't have. Gosh those women sound desparate. "I need a shoulder to rely on. Man's shoulder!" "I want to find happyness in life" (translation - find a man and get married). "My kids need a father!". And blah blah blah.

I mean come on women, we have 2 of our own shoulders to rely on, happyness does not equal marriage and if your kids need father going to some fishy marriage training seminar is not the best way to find him.

Just wanted to get this out.

p.s. It is my mom's favorite show (sigh...)

1 comment:

  1. Preach it soror! I totally agree! Of course there's the other extreme as well that pisses me off. One of my friends in India is 28 and her parents have been introducing her to men. She wants to get married. The "problem" is she has a successful job at a law firm she loves and these men all either don't want her to work or want her to work parttime. They want/HAVE to be the breadwinner. It's bullshit.
