
Ain't it supposed to be love?..

So one of my best friends from home always says she loves animals... And she does! When it comes to cats and dogs. Recently she was bragging about her new mink coat... (tear).
Unfortunately, she is not the only one who got it twisted. I hear people saying how much they love animals all the time. And then I see same people having a steak. So my logic is... how can you calmly eat meat while claiming love for animals??? I guess most of the population do not include cows, sheep, deer and pigs into animal kingdom. Now eating or not eating meat is a personal choice (and I hope this choice will be made by many many people), but being hypocritical about it is not cool in my book. So to those who eat meat or wear fur: say "I love cats, dogs (maybe iguanas and snakes)". Do not say "I love animals".
Some say "I love all animals, but I just can't quit meat". I call that BULL S.H.I.T. When you love somebody you make sacrifices. And just because tofu might not taste as good as kebab, it is possible to get all nutrients and be healthy without animal products (or at least without meat). And yet again, if the slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian...
P.S. If in doubt, watch a documentary on ALF called "Behind the Mask". If after that you will have guts to go get a burger, then me and you most likely will find very few things in common. Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. omg u reminded me of Jessica Valenti with the "just saying" at the end!! lol...ummm soror I agree it does perplex me...especially because (for example) Pigs are just as intelligent as dogs, and just as capable of having a friendship with a human.

    Personally I don't really care if eat meat or not, or certain animals or not. But it is always amusing to me the arguments people use to justify it. I guess I can't really talk though because I don't "know what i'm missing"
