
mmm... SMELLS good!

So I already talked just a little about toy gendering. Now let's talk about smells. And here I am not going to talk about natural musky odor after a guy works out or appealing yet not too pleasant (well I guess here tastes differ :)) smell of vagina... I will keep it simple and stick to perfumes and hygiene products. When me and my boyfriend at a time were shopping, he mentioned he needed some body wash. So here we are at the row of neatly organized gels, foams, body washes, etc. And of course ALL brands have a little section called 'for MEN'. Of course my beau grabbed one of those usually dark blue or black bottles, when I said 'wait a minute!'. I mean come on, as long as you smell clean and nice that's all I need. And who said those 'manly' smells are appealing? Now some of them are bearable, but I personally prefer some citrus or fruitty aroma. So I confidently out some almond milk and honey foam in his hand. He was about to protest, but then he paused and said 'hmm, i never thought about not buying not for men products... but you are right, they smell really good!'.
Same with perfumes... why should they be male or female (ocassionally companies come up with unisex smells, but come on, aren't ALL products supposed to be unisex????????). But by labeling something 'for men' companies do 2 things: 1. they prevent women from buying those products (and even if women do buy them they say 'i just like manly smells' - whatever that supposed to mean, because none of men I met smell like Chrome naturally... and none of women smell like Escada either...) and 2. they push men to buy stuff that is labeled, while they ignore stuff that is NOT labeled. I mean look at Dove or any generic brand of shampoo or shower wash, it does not say anywhere 'for women' but it is implied if the wash smells like strawberries...
So I say we should get rid of damn labels and just put everything in one huge pile of colorful tasty smelling perfume and hygene products! (yeah, colorful, because obviously 'manly' smells usually imply some dark coloring as well mentioned above...).
All I wanna say is make sure you take shower, if you use perfume use reasonable amount and do not pay attention to labels people!
p.s. Ladies, please do NOT dousche! Vaginas are NOT supposed to smell like rain or roses... just saying.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. That just one more influence this patriarchal society is trying to make women think, that our vaginas should smell like fruit, roses, rain, when really they should smell like pusssy!!! LoLz Pussies Unite!
