
Some random thoughts...

First of all, I am pissed off. Yes, you heard me. I was shopping on Zeil (aka Magnificent Mile of Frankfurt am Main) and one ugly ass dude grabbed my butt!!! In the middle of the day, he passed me at first and then turned around, when behind my back and filled me up. After that he vanished in the crowd, he did it so fast and professionally that I barely had time to scream 'what the F%$§??#. Damn dousche was lucky it was Saturday, nice weather - means there are like thousands of people on Zeil and its impossible just to stop and try to catch someone, because you are going with the flow of the crowd, willingly or not. Anyway, I thought that evening I would get just a Cosmo before I go to see Resident Evil 3D (by the way, bullshit film but Mila looked gorgeous as usual), but because of above described incident I ended up getting a Long Island and 2 Cosmopolitans...
Another thing that I find interesting is that on Zeil the ONLY store that has people lined up in front of it like its the best club in town or something, and people do wait... for 40-60 min to get in... is... HOLLISTER. I shit you not. I mean really? there are plenty of cool expensive and nonexpensive stores and boutiques in Frankfurt with wide variety of choices, but Hollister?.. Anyway that was one of the things that surprised me.
Another - when you buy a ticked on Bus, U-Bahn (metro), S-Bahn or Strassenbahn noone checks it when you get in on the vehicle. Checks re random and so far I was asked to show my card only 2 times... in 2 months. It means I could potentially free ride this whole time (and I am sure people do that, but when you are caught the fine is 40 Euros). To me its unbelievable, people do honestly buy ticket everytime... that wouldn' work in Kazakhstan for sure lol.
Also, Germany is very liberal when it comes to sex. In Cosmopolitan or any other magazine breasts can be openly portrayed, as well as very sexual pics. Wouldn't work in States :) Oh and in the movies, when they show use of condoms for Aids prevention commercials, they show gay couples as well as straight (LOVE it). And on the contrary to belief that German youth is obsessed with sex and starts having it at like 13, recent study shows that young people in Germany today wait till 17-18 to lose their virginity. Obviously, comprehensive education at schools and normal portrayal of sex being something natural does NOT make boys and girls go crazy. Khem khem US public schools with abstinence-only.
Was reading Der Spiegel today (kinda like TIME magazine) about integration in Germany. Sigh... racism in states, here its more about nationality+religion. One of the leaders of SDP (which is supposed to be a liberal party) Thilo Sarrazin pretty much said that Germany is getting dumber, because uncivilized Muslim immigrants keep having babies and educated German girls choose career and do not want to have kids... smdh. I think some diversity education in schools and colleges, at workplaces here would be a plus. Also, making something to help immigrants to integrate better... its easy to say 'us and them' and it takes real leadership and understanding to make us and them into ONE nation that celebrates differences.
Anyway just wanted to share a couple of thoughts.
P.S. dogs here are everywhere - public transportation, stores... and I am loving it!


Ciara's Downfall

Remember good old times when Ciara was singing "Looking for the goodies keep on looking coz they stay in the jar"? Well, now we know that goodies are out. CC fell below the see level for me, when "Ride" video feat. Ludacris came out. Now I never thought Ciara was a good singer - very weak voice, not much variation. But she did have some good songs in the beginning. Now, when Keri Hilson, Rihanna and Beyonce are killing it, CC fades more than ever. And desperate times require desperate measures. I always thought she was a talented dancer, routines from "Like a Boy" or "Get up" were precise and entertaining. In "Ride" she lost me even on that one... 4 minutes of "dancing" consists of grinding hip moves and pelvic thrusts. Not only she sings "I can do it big, I can do it long,I can do whenever or however You want", emphasizing MALE pleasure, but in this video she also presents "every man's" conventional cheesy fantasy - grinding,riding the bull in WET WHITE T with NO bra (!! could not get less creative than that), wearing a swimsuit that almost reveals her well waxed vagina. Oh and yeah, what's up with the gum twisted on the finger??? Classy much? Oh and of course then she is all over Luda like a video vixen - smh.
Anyway, I really don't like hating on other women. And I believe that Ciara can do waaaay better. Hopefully, she will realize that if you don't sell, even braless wet white tanks won't help. Meanwhile, I will be listening to good ole "Goodies", until good ole CC comes back.



So yesterday I finally got back from Spring Break. Gotta tell ya Miami was amazing, weather was nice most of the time. I got burnt the first day and now peeling looking like I have some skin disease lol. Other than that we had a lot of fun (yeah, going out 7 nights in a row was actually doable, but no clubbing in the nearest future for me lol). So you know there were plenty of ignorant males out there, many creepers... Me and my friends were sexually assaulted plenty of times... Those tools actually had guts to grab Olga's ass on the street! Oh well we know how to take care of ourselves. Besides, I did not expect anything less from Miami Spring Break. Men feel entitled and women are ok with being molested most of the time. Anyway, this is not my story.
Last day of break I got me some Starbucks (I know, corporate aftertaste coffee, but they did not have any alternative anywhere close...) and went to the Ocean Drive to take a walk for the last time. And then I saw HIM. The CREEP. Middle aged man surrounded by his friends and possiby family members wearing a T-shirt that said (prepare yourselves!): "NO RESTRICTIVE ORDER CAN STOP MY LOVE". No, I am not bulshitting you. Yes, I was creeped out. I mean for any woman working at domestic violence shelter that shirt would be scary... For those of you who don't know the details, restrictive order prevents abusers from approaching their victims closer than certain distance. There are other aspects to it, but let's not go into details.
So the dude obviously got that order against him and is proud that he is still able to pursue his partner and that legal restrictions are not the obstacle for him??? I mean what the hell? And who makes T-shirts like this??? That was like the most disturbing message I have seen in a while. I wish I had camera to take a picture of that tool. Unfortunately, my camera got stolen the first day in Miami. Together with 260 cash...


mmm... SMELLS good!

So I already talked just a little about toy gendering. Now let's talk about smells. And here I am not going to talk about natural musky odor after a guy works out or appealing yet not too pleasant (well I guess here tastes differ :)) smell of vagina... I will keep it simple and stick to perfumes and hygiene products. When me and my boyfriend at a time were shopping, he mentioned he needed some body wash. So here we are at the row of neatly organized gels, foams, body washes, etc. And of course ALL brands have a little section called 'for MEN'. Of course my beau grabbed one of those usually dark blue or black bottles, when I said 'wait a minute!'. I mean come on, as long as you smell clean and nice that's all I need. And who said those 'manly' smells are appealing? Now some of them are bearable, but I personally prefer some citrus or fruitty aroma. So I confidently out some almond milk and honey foam in his hand. He was about to protest, but then he paused and said 'hmm, i never thought about not buying not for men products... but you are right, they smell really good!'.
Same with perfumes... why should they be male or female (ocassionally companies come up with unisex smells, but come on, aren't ALL products supposed to be unisex????????). But by labeling something 'for men' companies do 2 things: 1. they prevent women from buying those products (and even if women do buy them they say 'i just like manly smells' - whatever that supposed to mean, because none of men I met smell like Chrome naturally... and none of women smell like Escada either...) and 2. they push men to buy stuff that is labeled, while they ignore stuff that is NOT labeled. I mean look at Dove or any generic brand of shampoo or shower wash, it does not say anywhere 'for women' but it is implied if the wash smells like strawberries...
So I say we should get rid of damn labels and just put everything in one huge pile of colorful tasty smelling perfume and hygene products! (yeah, colorful, because obviously 'manly' smells usually imply some dark coloring as well mentioned above...).
All I wanna say is make sure you take shower, if you use perfume use reasonable amount and do not pay attention to labels people!
p.s. Ladies, please do NOT dousche! Vaginas are NOT supposed to smell like rain or roses... just saying.


Ain't it supposed to be love?..

So one of my best friends from home always says she loves animals... And she does! When it comes to cats and dogs. Recently she was bragging about her new mink coat... (tear).
Unfortunately, she is not the only one who got it twisted. I hear people saying how much they love animals all the time. And then I see same people having a steak. So my logic is... how can you calmly eat meat while claiming love for animals??? I guess most of the population do not include cows, sheep, deer and pigs into animal kingdom. Now eating or not eating meat is a personal choice (and I hope this choice will be made by many many people), but being hypocritical about it is not cool in my book. So to those who eat meat or wear fur: say "I love cats, dogs (maybe iguanas and snakes)". Do not say "I love animals".
Some say "I love all animals, but I just can't quit meat". I call that BULL S.H.I.T. When you love somebody you make sacrifices. And just because tofu might not taste as good as kebab, it is possible to get all nutrients and be healthy without animal products (or at least without meat). And yet again, if the slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian...
P.S. If in doubt, watch a documentary on ALF called "Behind the Mask". If after that you will have guts to go get a burger, then me and you most likely will find very few things in common. Just saying.


Decision to go vegan

When I became vegetarian, I never thought that I would go as far as dropping animal products altogether... But then I thought: 1. I LOVE animals. 2. I care about the environment. 3. I eat too much cheese and ranch and cookies. 4. There are millions people around the world who practice veganism and it is possible!
Gotta tell you transitioning was pretty tough... Cheese cravings were nothing in comparison to desire for milk chocolate! And shopping at Walmart became almost impossible. I would buy fruit and some veggies but that was about it... However, for the past 2 weeks I had something containing animal product only twice or so. I am full of energy, I feel healthy and I feel GOOD for two apparent reasons:
a. I do not consume dairy and egg industry that exploits animals as if they are born "to give us stuff".
b. I realized that I actually have pretty strong power of will and I will not be a prisoner of food (even if it is New York Cheesecake!).
For those who are considering veganism as an option can recommend "Becoming Vegan" by Davis&Melina. All the facts you need to know, including meal plans for children, pregnant and athletes!
Anyway, I gotta be on this blog a little more often :)

Something off the topic: why is everyone getting married and has kids??? I mean my lil cousing who is 18 (!!) is getting married this year! All my classmates from home have kids who are 2-3 years old! I am not feeling that tendency... AT ALL!